How Is Temporary Alimony Calculated In California?
California courts are required to consider the supporting party’s ability to pay and the needs of the supported party. When a spouse asks the court for a temporary alimony order, the decision needs to be made swiftly to ensure that the said spouse is not left impoverished. That’s why most judges use a fixed formula to calculate the amount of temporary.
Some cases, the court the temporary support by considering the “guideline” calculator that most divorce attorneys have in their office. A judge can look at this guideline calculator if they want, but they are not required to look at it.
Also, temporary alimony order can be modified if the requesting spouse can prove a substantial change in circumstances. It should be noted that as with any legal matter, there may be extenuating circumstances. The court may choose to simply ignore the standard formula and use a completely different approach. In addition, a couple may decide between themselves that they don’t need a court order for temporary alimony payments.